Page:The Jew of Malta - Marlowe (1633).pdf/35

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The Jew of Malta.

Actus Secundus

Enter Barabas with a light.

Bar. Thus like the sad presaging Raven that tolls
The sicke mans passeport in her hollow beake,
And in the shadow of the silent night
Doth shake contagion from her sable wings;
Vex'd and tormented runnes poore Barabas
With fatall curses towards these Christians.
The incertaine pleasures of swift-footed time
Have tane their flight, and left me in despaire;
And of my former riches rests no more
But bare remembrance; like a souldiers skarre,
That has no further comfort for his maime.
Oh thou that with a fiery piller led'st
The sonnes of Israel through the dismall shades,
Light Abrahams off-spring; and direct the hand
Of Abigall this night; or let the day
Turne to eternall darkenesse after this:
No sleepe can fasten on my watchfull eyes,
Nor quiet enter my distemper'd thoughts,
Till I have answer of my Abigall.

Enter Abigall above.

Now have I happily espy'd a time
To search the plancke my father did appoint;
And here behold (unseene) where I have found
The gold, the perles, and Jewels which he hid.

Now I remember those old womens words,
Who in my wealth wud tell me winters tales,
And speake of spirits and ghosts that glide by night
About the place where Treasure hath bin hid:
And now me thinkes that I am one of those:
For whilst I live, here lives my soules sole hope,
And when I dye, here shall my spirit walke.

Now that my fathers fortune were so good
