Page:The Jew of Malta - Marlowe (1633).pdf/38

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The Jew of Malta.

My Lord and King hath title to this Isle,
And he meanes quickly to expell you hence;
Therefore be rul'd by me, and keepe the gold:
I'le write unto his Majesty for ayd,
And not depart untill I see you free.

On this condition shall thy Turkes be sold.
Goe Officers and set them straight in shew.
Bosco, thou shalt be Malta's Generall;
We and our warlike Knights will follow thee
Against these barbarous mis-beleeving Turkes.

So shall you imitate those you succeed:
For when their hideous force inviron'd Rhodes,
Small though the number was that kept the Towne,
They fought it out, and not a man surviv'd
To bring the haplesse newes to Christendome.

So will we fight it out; come, let's away:
Proud-daring Calymath, instead of gold,
Wee'll send the bullets wrapt in smoake and fire:
Claime tribute where thou wilt, we are resolv'd,
Honor is bought with bloud and not with gold. Exeunt.

Enter Officers with slaves.

1 Off.
This is the Market-place, here let 'em stand:
Feare not their sale, for they'll be quickly bought.

2 Off.
Every ones price is written on his backe,
And so much must they yeeld or not be sold.

Enter Bar.

1 Off.
Here comes the Jew, had not his goods bin seiz'd,
He'de give us present mony for them all.

Enter Barabas.

In spite of these swine-eating Christians,
(Unchosen Nation, never circumciz'd;
Such as poore villaines were ne're thought upon
Till Titus and Vespasian conquer'd us.)
Am I become as wealthy as I was:
They hop'd my daughter would ha bin a Nun;
But she's at home, and I have bought a house
As great and faire as is the Governors;
And there in spite of Malta will I dwell:
