Page:The Jew of Malta - Marlowe (1633).pdf/42

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The Jew of Malta.

Will maintaine you in these chops; let me see one
That's some what leaner.

1 Off.
Here's a leaner, how like you him?

Where was thou borne?

In Trace; brought up in Arabia.

So much the better, thou art for my turne,
An hundred Crownes; I'le have him; there's the coyne.

1 Off.
Then marke him, Sir, and take him hence.

I, marke him, you were best, for this is he
That by my helpe shall doe much villanie.
My Lord farewell: Come Sirra you are mine.
As for the Diamond it shall be yours;
I pray, Sir, be no stranger at my house,
All that I have shall be at your command.

Enter Mathias, Mater.

What makes the Jew and Lodewicke so private?
I feare me 'tis about faire Abigall.

Yonder comes Don Mathias, let us stay;
He loves my daughter, and she holds him deare:
But I have sworne to frustrate both their hopes,
And be reveng'd upon the——Governor.

This Moore is comeliest, is he not? speake son.

No, this is the better, mother, view this well.

Seeme not to know me here before your mother
Lest she mistrust the match that is in hand:
When you have brought her home, come to my house;
Thinke of me as thy father; Sonne farewell.

But wherefore talk'd Don Lodowick with you?

Tush man, we talk'd of Diamonds, not of Abigal.

Tell me, Mathias, is not that the Jew?

As for the Comment on the Machabees
I have it, Sir, and 'tis at your command.

Yes, Madam, and my talke with him was
About the borrowing of a booke or two.

Converse not with him, he is cast off from heaven.
Thou hast thy Crownes, fellow, come let's away. exeunt.

Sirra, Jew, remember the booke.
