Page:The Jew of Malta - Marlowe (1633).pdf/44

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The Jew of Malta.

How I with interest tormented him.
But marke how I am blest for plaguing them,
I have as much coyne as will buy the Towne.
But tell me now, How hast thou spent thy time?

Faith, Master, in setting Christian villages on fire,
Chaining of Eunuches, binding gally-slaves.
One time I was an Hostler in an Inne,
And in the night time secretly-would I steale
To travellers Chambers, and there cut their throats:
Once at Jerusalem, where the pilgrims kneel'd,
I strowed powder on the Marble stones,
And therewithall their knees would ranckle, so
That I have laugh'd agood to see the cripples
Goe limping home to Christendome on stilts.

Why this is something: make account of me
As of thy fellow; we are villaines both:
Both circumcized, we hate Christians both:
Be true and secret, thou shalt want no gold.
But stand aside, here comes Don Lodowicke.

Enter Lodowicke.

Oh Barabas well met; where is the Diamond
You told me of?

I have it for you, Sir; please you walke in with me:
What, ho, Abigall; open the doore I say.

Enter Abigall.

In good time, father, here are letters come
From Ormus, and the Post stayes here within.

Give me the letters, daughter, doe you heare?
Entertaine Lodowicke the Governors sonne
With all the curtesie you can affoord;
Provided, that you keepe your Maiden-head.
Use him as if he were a Philistine. aside.
Dissemble, sweare, protest, vow to love him,
He is not of the seed of Abraham.
I am a little busie, Sir, pray pardon me.
Abigall, bid him welcome for my sake.

For your sake and his own he's welcome hither.
