Page:The Jew of Malta - Marlowe (1633).pdf/56

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The Jew of Malta.

How so?

Belike there is some Ceremony in't.
There Ithimore must thou goe place this plot:
Stay, let me spice it first.

Pray doe, and let me help you Mr. Pray let me taste first.

Prethe doe: what saist thou now?

Troth Mr. I'm loth such a pot of pottage should be spoyld.

Peace, Ithimore, 'tis better so then spar'd.
Assure thy selfe thou shalt have broth by the eye.
My purse, my Coffer, and my selfe is thine.

Well, master, I goe.

Stay, first let me stirre it Ithimore.
As fatall be it to her as the draught
Of which great Alexander drunke, and dyed:
And with her let it worke like Borgias wine,
Whereof his sire, the Pope, was poyson'd.
In few, the blood of Hydra, Lerna's bane;
The jouyce of Hebon, and Cocitus breath,
And all the poysons of the Stygian poole
Breake from the fiery kingdome; and in this
Vomit your venome, and invenome her
That like a fiend hath left her father thus.

What a blessing has he giv'nt? was ever pot of
Rice porredge so sauc't? what shall I doe with it?

Oh my sweet Ithimore goe set it downe
And come againe so soone as thou hast done,
For I have other businesse for thee.

Here's a drench to poyson a whole stable of
Flanders mares: I'le carry't to the Nuns with a powder.

And the horse pestilence to boot; away.

I am gone.
Pay me my wages for my worke is done. Exit.

Ile pay thee with a vengeance Ithamore. Exit.

Enter Govern. Bosco. Knights. Bashaw.

Welcome great Bashaws, how fares Callymath,
What wind drives you thus into Malta rhode?
