Page:The Jew of Malta - Marlowe (1633).pdf/65

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The Jew of Malta.

Villaines, I am a sacred person, touch me not.

The Law shall touch you, we'll but lead you, we.
'Las I could weepe at your calamity.
Take in the staffe too, for that must be showne:
Law wils that each particular be knowne.Exeunt.

Enter Curtezant, and Pilia-borza.

Pilia-borza, didst thou meet with Ithimore?

I did.

And didst thou deliver my letter?

I did.

And what think'st thou, will he come?

I think so, and yet I cannot tell, for at the reading of
The letter, he look'd like a man of another world.

Why so?

That such a base slave as he should be saluted by such
A tall man as I am, from such a beautifull dame as you.

And what said he?

Not a wise word, only gave me a nod, as who shold
say, Is it euen so; and so I left him, being driven to a
Non-plus at the critical aspect of my terrible countenance.

And where didst meet him?

Upon mine owne free-hold within 40 foot of the
Gallowes, conning his neck-verse I take it, looking of a
Fryars Execution, whom I saluted with an old hempen
proverb, Hidie tibi, cras mihi, and so I left him to the mercy
Of the Hangman: but the Exercise being done, see where
He comes.

Enter Ithimore.

I never knew a man take his death so patiently as
This Fryar; he was ready to leape off e're the halter was
About his necke; and when the Hangman had put on his
Hempen Tippet, he made such haste to his prayers, as if
Hee had had another Cure to serve; well, goe whither
He will, I'le be none of his followers in haste:
And now I thinke on't, going to the execution, a fellow
Met me with a muschatoes like a Ravens wing, and
A Dagger with a hilt like a warming-pan, and he
