Page:The Jew of Malta - Marlowe (1633).pdf/75

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The Jew of Malta.

For the Jewes body, throw that o're the wals,
To be a prey for Vultures and wild beasts.
So, now away and fortifie the Towne.Exeunt.

What, all alone? well fare sleepy drinke.
I'le be reveng'd on this accursed Towne;
For by my meanes Calymath shall enter in.
I'le helpe to slay their children and their wives,
To fire the Churches, pull their houses downe,
Take my goods too, and seize upon my lands:
I hope to see the Governour a slave,
And, rowing in a Gally, whipt to death.

Enter Calymath, Bashawes, Turkes.

Whom have we there, a spy?

Yes, my good Lord, one that can spy a place
Where you may enter, and surprize the Towne:
My name is Barabas; I am a Jew.

Art thou that Jew whose goods we heard were sold
For Tribute-mony?

The very same, my Lord:
And since that time they have hir'd a slave my man
To accuse me of a thousand villanies:
I was imprison'd, but scap'd their hands.

Didst breake prison?

No, no:
I dranke of Poppy and cold mandrake juyce;
And being asleepe, belike they thought me dead,
And threw me o're the wals: so, or how else,
The Jew is here, and rests at your command.

'Twas bravely done: but tell me, Barabas,
Canst thou, as thou reportest, make Malta ours?

Feare not, my Lord, for here against the Truce,
The rocke is hollow, and of purpose digg'd,
To make a passage for the running streames
And common channels of the City.
Now whilst you give assault unto the wals,
I'le lead 500 souldiers through the Vault,
And rise with them i'th middle of the Towne,
