Page:The Jew of Malta - Marlowe (1633).pdf/78

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The Jew of Malta.

And as for Malta's ruine, thinke you not
'Twere slender policy for Barabas
To dispossesse himselfe of such a place?
For sith, as once you said, within this Ile
In Malta here, that I have got my goods,
And in this City still have had successe,
And now at length am growne your Governor,
Your selves shall see it shall not be forgot:
For as a friend not knowne, but in distresse,
I'le reare up Malta now remedilesse.

Will Barabas recover Malta's losse?
Will Barabas be good to Christians?

What wilt thou give me, Governor, to procure
A dissolution of the slavish Bands
Wherein the Turke hath yoak'd your land and you?
What will you give me if I render you
The life of Calymath, surprize his men,
And in an out house of the City shut
His souldiers, till I have consum'd 'em all with fire?
What will you give him that procureth this?

Doe but bring this to passe which thou pretendest,
Deale truly with us as thou intimatest,
And I will send amongst the Citizens
And by my letters privately procure
Great summes of mony for thy recompence:
Nay more, doe this, and live thou Governor still.

Nay, doe thou this, Ferneze, and be free;
Governor, I enlarge thee, live with me,
Goe walke about the City, see thy friends:
Tush, send not letters to 'em, goe thy selfe,
And let me see what mony thou canst make;
Here is my hand that I'le set Malta free:
And thus we cast it: To a solemne feast
I will invite young Selim-Calymath,
Where be thou present onely to performe
One stratagem that I'le impart to thee,
Wherein no danger shall betide thy life,
