Page:The Jew of Malta - Marlowe (1633).pdf/83

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The Jew of Malta.

For I will shew thee greater curtesie
Then Barabas would have affoorded thee.

Sound a charge there. A charge, the cable cut, A Caldron discovered.

How now, what means this

Helpe, helpe me, Christians, helpe.

See Calymath, this was devis'd for thee.

Treason, treason Bashawes, flye.

No, Selim, doe not flye;
See his end first, and flye then if thou canst.

Oh helpe me, Selim, helpe me, Christians.
Governour, why stand you all so pittilesse?

Should I in pitty of thy plaints or thee,
Accursed Barabas; base Jew relent:
No, thus I'le see thy treachery repaid,
But wish thou hadst behav'd thee otherwise.

You will not helpe me then?

No, villaine, no.

And villaines, know you cannot helpe me now.
Then Barabas breath forth thy latest fate,
And in the fury of thy torments, strive
To end thy life with resolution:
Know, Governor, 'twas I that slew thy sonne;
I fram'd the challenge that did make them meet.
Know, Calymath, I aym'd thy overthrow,
And had I but escap'd this stratagem,
I would have brought confusion on you all,
Damn'd Christians, dogges, and Turkish Infidels;
But now begins the extremity of heat
To pinch me with intolerable pangs:
Dye life, flye soule, tongue curse thy fill and dye:

Tell me, you Christians, what doth this portend?

This traine he laid to have intrap'd thy life;
Now Selim note the unhallowed deeds of Jewes:
Thus he determin'd to have handled thee,
But I have rather chose to save thy life.

Was this the banquet he prepar'd for us?
Let's hence, lest further mischiefe be pretended.
