Page:The Jews and Their Lies.pdf/11

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this wrath leads to the conclusion that the Jews are certainly rejected by God and are not His people anymore, and He also is not their God anymore; according to the passage, Hosea 1:9Lo, Ammi: You are not my people, so also am I not your God.” Yea, they are in a terrible dilemma. Whatever interpretation they may place on it, we see the thing before our eyes, it does not deceive us.


And wherever there should be a spark of sense and reason in them, they would certainly think to themselves thus: “O Lord God, things are not right with us, our misery is too great, our exile too long and too hard, God has forgotten us,” etc. I, of course, am not a Jew, but I seriously do not like to think about such terrible wrath of God over this nation. I shudder so much that it penetrates my body and life. What will be the eternal wrath of God in hell over all false Christians and unbelievers?

Well, the Jews may regard our Lord Jesus Christ as whatever they desire; we see the fulfillment of Luke 21:20–23: “When ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh—for these be the days of vengeance,
