Page:The Jews and Their Lies.pdf/19

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them boast, like the Jews, that God has sanctified them through His Law, and chosen them before all people as His peculiar nation.

Such is also the glory of the Jews when they boast in their schools, praise and thank God that He has sanctified them through His Law and made them His chosen nation, while they are well aware that they are keeping none of those things, are filled with pride, envy, usury, avarice and all meanness, and most of all those among them who act very pious and holy in their prayers. For they are so blinded that they do not only practice usury (that I should be silent about their other vices), but teach it as a right which God had commanded them through Moses, in which as in other ways also, they lie about God in a miserable manner, about which there is no time to speak now.


If the Ten Commandments are not kept, what is the keeping of other commandments otherwise than jugglery and trickery, yea, a real mockery in which God is treated like a fool? Just as if a mean Devilshead among us would march along in robes of bishop or preacher, and keep all the laws and ways of such per-
