Page:The Jews and Their Lies.pdf/21

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pious, cleanly and decently dressed and outwardly behaving in a modest manner. But when she is a whore; the dress, decorations, wreath and trinkets would appear, more honest on a sow in the mire. As Solomon says: “A golden braid on the nose of a sow is as a beautiful, silly woman.

Therefore, they might as well keep from boasting about outward obedience to the Laws of Moses without true obedience to God’s Ten Commandments. Yea, it makes them sevenfold more unworthy to be the people of God than the heathen.

Let them alone! And let us remain with those who pray the miserere, the 51st Psalm, that is, who know and understand what the Law is and what is keeping or not keeping the Law.

From this, dear Christian, note what you are doing when you permit these blinded Jews to mislead you. In such an instance the proverb certainly is fulfilled: “Where the blind leads the blind, both will fall into the ditch.” More you cannot learn from them. To lack understanding of God’s commandments and yet be proud and overbearing towards the heathen who are much better than they are before God, because they do not have such pride of holiness, and yet
