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know how to boast of their Law, Temple, Divine Services, city, country and principality; but disregard the purpose for which they had it. The Devil has possessed these people with all his angels; that they always boast of outward things, their gifts, their accomplishments and deeds, which is to offer up the empty shells without the kernels. Those He is to look upon and on their account take them (the people who offer them) for His nation, exalt and bless them above all heathen. But that they should keep His Commandments and keep Him as their God, that they will not accept. The saying of Moses applies to them: “They do not regard Me as God, therefore I do not regard them as my people,” as also says Hosea 1:9.

If God had not permitted the people of Jerusalem to be torn asunder and driven them from the land, but had let them keep it after as before, no one could convince them that they are not God’s chosen nation. Because they would still have the temple, city and country, regardless of their wickedness, disobedience and stiff-neckedness. Although many prophets would daily cry out and a thousand Moses’ be standing here and exclaiming: “You are not the people of God, because you are disobedient and rebellious.” Even now they cannot give up their insane raving
