Page:The Jews and Their Lies.pdf/26

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hanged malefactor. Therefore, I do not care to have anything to do with any Jew. St. Paul says they are given over to wrath. The more you try to help them the harder and more wicked they become. Let them alone! [Here follow many proofs from the Bible which are accompanied by detailed theological, scientific, and therefore in general not understood, citations, which cannot be restated here because of their volume, although they are powerful and correspond with Luther’s German essence and often strike the nail on the head in a preciously forward manner. From the wealth of striking Scripture passages, only the following are here cited: Haggai 2:6,7: “Thus saith the Lord of Hosts: yet, once, it is a little while and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land. And I will shake all nations! and the desire of all nations shall come.”—(“All nations” is equal to “heathen”). Under the “Desire of Nations” the ancient people designated the “Messiah.”]

The Jews deny that He came when the temple was still standing and claim that He shall still come, as they now have been waiting 1568 years after the destruction of that same temple—and cannot be called a “little while,” because they do not yet know the end of such a “long while.”
