Page:The Jews and Their Lies.pdf/48

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What a joyful affair that would be for the Devil and his angels and cause them to laugh through their noses like a sow grinning at her little pigs, but deserving real wrath before God.


To sum up, dear princes and lords who have Jews under themselves: if my advice is not acceptable, you may find a better one, that all of us be relieved of the unbearable, devilish burden of the Jews and not become partakers before God of all the lies, slander, spitting, cursing of the raving Jews against the person of our Lord Jesus Christ, His mother, all Christians, all rulers and ourselves, as they freely and deliberately practice it. That you do not let them have protection or safe-conduct, nor fellowship. Neither permit your money and goods, and the money and goods of your subjects, to serve the Jews through their usury. We still have plenty of our own sins and daily add much to them through our ingratitude and despising God’s grace and work; that it is not necessary to add to them these mean foreign vices of the Jews and also give them our money and goods. Let us remember that we are daily fighting against the Turk and therefore are much in need of getting rid of our own sins and of spiritual growth and improvement, With this I
