Page:The Jews and Their Lies.pdf/5

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ation which has faced a Jewish problem. Yes, it will serve a second purpose; namely, an alertness to the Jewish problem does not necessarily indicate that the individuals who are alerted are depraved or un-Christian.

The Publishers.

Note: The readers of this work are warned not to conclude that the Luther viewpoint concerning the Jews is necessarily Protestant. Numerous Popes used language as strong, if not stronger, than the language used by Dr. Luther. In fact, the ghettos were established by Papal edict, and the segregation of Christian communities from Jewish communities originated in edicts coming out of Rome. The purpose of this note is to warn the readers that the problem has never been uniquely Protestant or Catholic or in any way sectarian. Men of all faiths have agreed with Luther and men of all faiths have disagreed with Luther.

Attention, Doubters: Some individuals will doubt that these writings originated with Martin Luther. For the information of the reader the original language may be found in Martin Luther’s works in the Congressional Library, Washington, D.C., and in any
