Page:The Jews and Their Lies.pdf/58

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we Christians cannot understand it otherwise. We must believe that as the Son is named or believed to be, even so the Father is named and believed to be. Therefore the mouth of the Jews should not be considered worthy to mention the Name of God before our ears; but whosoever hear it mentioned by the Jews should report it to the rulers, etc. And let no one be merciful and kind in this respect; for it concerns the honor of God and the salvation of us all (also of the Jews).

And should they or anyone else propose that they did not mean it so wickedly, neither knew that with such blasphemy and cursing, they were blaspheming and cursing God the Father; for they most highly and beautifully praise and honor God, although they slander Jesus and us Christians. That has been answered above as you heard. If the Jews do not want to know it or consider it good, we Christians must know it. So the Jews are not excused because of their ignorance, since God has caused this to be preached for almost 1500 years so that they are obligated to know this and God also requires it of them.

For whosoever hears God’s Word for 1500 years and always says: I do not want to know it! The ignorance of such a one will earn him a mean excuse, that is, a sevenfold debt.
