Page:The Jews and Their Lies.pdf/61

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So much writing, good Sir and dear Friend, you have compelled me to do about your booklet in which a Jew exhibits his cunning arguments against an absent Christian. Thank God, he would not do so to me at the present time. I hope that in this booklet a Christian who does not desire to become Jewish will find sufficient arguments to guard against the blind, poisonous Jews, and will also become an enemy of the wickedness, lies, and cursing of the Jews, and come to the knowledge that their belief is not only false, but that they are also possessed of all the Devils.

Christ, our dear Lord, graciously convert them and keep us in the knowledge of Him, which is eternal life, most certainly. AMEN.

Following are paragraphs taken from various sermons and writings of Dr. Luther. After each paragraph the original source of the quotation is indicated.

Note: Quotations from Luther’s works marked “W” originate from the Weimar Edition, those marked “E” from the Erlangen Edition.

An Appraisal of Mankind

Jews are young devils condemned to Hell. (E. 32, p. 276)
