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ish doctors believe they find especial favour with their God if they torment and furtively kill Christians. And we, fools that we are, even turn for succor to our enemies and their evil ways in the times when our lives are in danger, which is indeed sorely trying God’s patience. (E. 62, p. 367)

Luther’s Legacy

As soon as my principal business[1] has been accomplished, I shall have to devote myself to the expulsion of the Jews. Count Albrecht is hostile towards them and he has already abandoned them, but as yet they are being molested by none. With the help of God I shall, in the sermons I hold from the pulpit, assist Count Albrecht and shall also abandon them. (Extract from one of Luther’s letters to his wife, shortly hefore his death.)

Luther’s last Sermon:

“Warning Against the Jews”[2]

… Besides, you also have many Jews living in the country, who do much harm … You should know that the Jews blaspheme and violate the name of our Saviour day for day … for that reason you, Milords and men of authority, should not tolerate but expel them. They are our public enemies and incessantly


  1. The divergencies between the Counts of Mansfeld which were the cause of his journey.
  2. Held at Eisleben, a few days before his death, February, 1546.