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Page:The Journal of English and Germanic Philology Volume 18.djvu/499

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Reviews and Notes 495 constitutional history has been studied; to mention only a few, Andreas Heusler's Deutsche Verfassungsgeschichte or even Hubrich's little volume in Aus Natur und Geisteswelt, Deutsches Verfassungsrecht in geschichtlicher Entwicklung , would have done good services. No monograph on the history of journalism in Germany has been consulted. Nor do we find any mention made of Hoffmann von Fallersleben, Politische Gedichte aus der deutschen Vorzeit (1843), or of its companion volume by Marg- graff. Scheible's Kloster, the thirteenth volume of which (Die fliegenden Blatter des sechzehnten und siebzehnten Jahrhun- derts} would certainly have yielded rich material, is likewise missing. Finally we look in vain for Rob. Prutz, Die politische Poesie der Deutschen, first published in the Literarhistorisches Taschenbuch for 1843, a fine piece of work, both in style and erudition. H. W. NORDMEYER.

LaSalle, III.