66 The Washer of the Ford dicated, "a dim ancestral figure of awe haunting a shadowy stream in a shadowy land." Even among the most erudite of Celtic scholars the Badb is hardly more a name in a few ancient texts or on a crumbling stone. 22 ' 23 GERTRUDE SCHOEPPERLE. University of Illinois.
- - Hennessy, Rev. Celt. I, 32-57.
"After this article was in press I noted the following allusion to the M6rrfgan (i. e. the Badb) in the eighth century Reicne Fothaid Canainne (Fianaigecht ed. K. Meyer, p. 16) : Horrible are the huge entrails which the M6rrlgan washes. From the edge of a spear she came to us; 'tis she that egged us on. Many are the spoils she washes, terrible the hateful laughs he laughs. She has flung her mane over her back; it is a stout heart that will
not quail before her.