Page:The Journal of Indian Botany.djvu/188

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26. Sewardiella tuberifera Kash. 27. Anthoceros himalayensis Kash. 28. Anthoceros erectus Kash. 29. Notoihylas Levieri Schffr. 30. Madotheca macroloba St. 31. M. Gollani St. 32. M. appendiculata St. 33. M. sp. 34. Lopholea minor Nees. 35. Chiloscyphus himalayensis St. 36. Frullania himalayensis St. 37. F. retusa Mitt. 38. Plagiochila sp. 39. Solenostema purpurata Mitt.? 40-42. Lejeuneas.

In this locality Liverworts occur in great abundance. Cliffs are covered with huge patches of thallose forms and in suitable places trunks of trees and rocks have dense masses of foliose forms on them.

Kulu, Dulchi pass. (6,000-7,000 ft.).

Long, 31° 50' N. to 32° 26' N. Lat. 76° 56' E. to 77° 33' E. Aver, annual rainfall, 47.9 in. Mean Max. temp.—Mean Min. temp. (Long, and Lat. are of Kulu Tahsil, the other data apply to Nagar.)

The following species were collected. The references are to the list given under Mussoorie:—

Nos. 1 to 16, 19, 24, 25, 27, and in addition Plagiochasma simlensis Kash. and 2 or 3 foliose forms. More would certainly be found if a careful search is made for them. Practically all of these were collected along the road-side within a space of a few yards. Riccia pathanhotensis Kash. and Fegatella conica were collected at a lower level in the same valley. Many of the above species occurs at other levels also in Kulu.

In numbers the flora is almost as abundant as Mussoorie.

(Simla. 6,000-7,000 ft.)

Long. 31° 6' Lat. 77° 10' E. Aver, annual rainfall. 63 in Mean Max. temp. 61.9° Mean Min. temp. 51.3°

Nos. 1 to 11, 13 to 17, 19 to 21, 24 to 29, and in addition Riccia pathanhkotensis, Plagiochasma simlensis and Fegatella conica.

The number of individuals is quite large, nearly as abundant as at Mussoorie.

Dalhousie. 6,000—7,000 ft. (7,687 ft.)

Long. 33° 32' N. Lat. 75° 58' E. Aver, annual rain. 86.35". Mean Max. temp. — Mean Min. temp.

Nos. 3, 7 to 9, 13, 21, 24, Lophocolea (2 species), Chiloscyphus sp., Frullania retusa, Some more species would no doubt be found but the flora is undoubtedly very poor both in numbers of species and individuals, very much poorer than in the first three localities.

Murree. 6,000—7,000 ft. (7,517 ft.)

Long. 33° 55' N. Lat. 73° 23'E. Aver, annual rain. 59". Mean Max. temp. 65.9°. Mean Min. temp. 52.9°.

Full list not available, but flora certainly poor. Very much like Dalhousie, perhaps poorer.