Page:The Katunes of Maya History.djvu/18

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brought to light, is that said to have been found at Mani,[1] which was translated by Señor Perez from the Maya language, and accompanied by a very valuable chronological interpretation.

Since the close revision we undertook of the latter, brought out very striking coincidences of early Maya dates with those of the Nahuatl, and especially with that indicated on the Calendar Stone, we thought it worth while to reprint the manuscript, to discuss its contents again, and to arrange them under new points of view. Regarded by itself, the manuscript, indeed, might seem of only doubtful value in settling an important chronological question. But the comparison of its earliest date with that of the Nahuatl monument will enhance the value of each of them, because they may be considered as corroborative of each other.

The Maya Manuscript.


Lai u tzolan Katun lukci ti cab ti yotoch Nonoual cante anilo Tutul Xiu ti chikin Zuiua; u luumil u talelob Tulapan chiconahthan.


This is the series of " Katunes " that elapsed from the time of their departure from the land and house of Nonoual, in which were the four Tutul Xiu, lying to the west of Zuina, going out of the country of Tulapan.

§ 1. Cante bin ti Katun lie u ximbalob ca uliob uaye yetel Holon Chantepeuh yetel u cuchulob : ca hokiob ti petene uaxac Ahau bin yan cuchi, uac Ahau, can Ahau cabil Ahau, cankal haab catac hunppel haab; tumen hun piztun oxlahun Ahau cuchie ca uliob uay ti petene cankal haab catac hunp-pel haab tu pakteil yetel cu xim-balob lukci tu luumilob ca talob uay ti petene Chacnouitan lae, u añoil lae 81

§ 1. Four epochs were spent in travelling, before they arrived here with Holonchantepeuh and his followers. When they began their journey toward this island, it was the 8th Ahau, and the 6th, 4th and 2d were spent in travelling; because in the year of the 13th Ahau they arrived at this island, making together eighty-one years they were travelling, between their departure from their country and their arrival at this island of Chacnouitan. Years 81.

  1. Historia de Yucatan. By Eligio Ancona, Merida, 1879, Vol. I., page 95, note 1.