Page:The Katunes of Maya History.djvu/20

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§ 8. Lai u katunil buluc Ahau, bolon Ahau, uac Ahau, uaxac Ahau, paxci u halach uinicil Chicheu Itza tumenel u kebauthan Hunac-eel, ca uch ti Chacxibchac Chicheu Itzatu kebauthan Hunac-eel u halach uinicil Mayalpan ichpac. Cankal haab catac lahun piz haab, tu lahun tun uaxac Ahau cuchie ; lai u haabil paxci tumenel Ahzinteyutchau yetel Tzunte-cum, yetel Taxcal, yetel Pantemit, Xuchu-cuet, yetel Ytzcuat, yetel Kakaltecat lay u kaba uiuicilob : lae muctulob ahmayal panob lae. 90.

§ 9. Laili u katunil uaxac Ahau, lai ca binob u pâ ah Vlmil Ahau tumenel u uahal-uahob yetel ah Ytzmal Vlil Ahau ; lae oxlahun uuo u katunilob ca paxob tumen Hunaceel : tumenel u oabal u naatob ; uac Ahau ca ooci : hunkal haab catac can lahun pizi : lai u habil cu xinbal. 34.

§ 10. Vac Ahau, can Ahau, cabil Ahau, oxlahun Ahau, buluc Ahau, chucuc u luumil ich pa Mayalpan, tumenel u pach tulum, tumenel multepal ich cah Mayalpan, tumenel Ytza uinicob yetel ah Vlmil Ahau lae; can kaal haab catac oxppel haab : yocol buluc Ahau cuchie paxci Mayalpan tumenel ahuitzil oul, tan cah Mayalpan. 83.

§ 11. Vaxac Ahau lay paxci Mayalpan lai u katunil uac Ahau, can Ahau, cabil Ahau, lai haab cu xirabal ca yax mani espanoles u yaxilci caa luumi Yucatan tzucubte lae, oxkal haab paaxac ich pa cuchie. 60.

§ 8. These are the Katunes 11th, 9th and 6th Ahau (sic). In the 8th Ahau the governor of Chichen-Itza was deposed, because he murmured disrespectfully against Hunac-eel. This happened to Chacxibchac of Chichen-Itza, governor of the fortress of Mayapan. Ninety years had elapsed, but the 10th year of the 8th Ahau was the year in which he was overthi'own by Ajzinte-yut-chan, with Tzuntecum, Taxcal, Pantemit, Xuch-ueuet, Ytzcuat and Kakaltecat; these are the names of the seven Mayalpanes. Years 90.

§ 9. In the same Katun of the 8th Ahau they attacked Chief Ulmil, in consequence of his quarrel with Ulil, Chief of Yzamal; thirteen divisions of troops he had when he was routed by Hunac-eel; in the 6th Ahau the war was over, after 34 years. Years 34.

§ 10. In the 6th Ahau, 4th, 2d, 13th and 11th Ahau, the fortified territory of Mayapan was invaded by the men of Itza, under their Chief Ulmil, because they had walls, and governed in common the people of Mayalpan; eighty-three years elapsed after this event, and at the beginning of the 11th Ahau Mayalpan was destroyed by strangers of the Uitzes, Highlanders, as was also Tancaj of Mayalpan. Years 83.

§ 11. In the 8th Ahau, Mayalpan was destroyed; the epochs of the 6th, 4th and 2d Ahau elapsed, and at this period the Spaniards for the first time arrived, and gave the name of Yucatan to this province, sixty years after the destruction of the fortress. Years 60.