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Page:The Kinematics of Machinery.djvu/638

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Central polygon, spheric, 77.
Central wheels, 431.
Centroids, 63, 128, 148, 193, 590.
Centroids, determination of, 65.
Centroids in crank-train, 67.
Centroids of spur-wheels, 70.
Centroids, reduced, 70.
Ceutroids as profiles, 164.
Centroids, secondary, 74, 155.
Centroids having infinite branches, 67, 74.
Centroids of higher pairs, 118, 132.
Chain, kinematic, 46, 502.
Chain, simple, 49, 545.
Chain, compound, 49, 569.
Chain and pair-closure, 180.
Chain and force-closure, 181.
Chain-closure, 289.
Chain-closure of dead-points, 188, 289, 571.
Chain-closure of elements, 178.
Chain-wheels, 453.
Chamber and piston, 344.
Chamber click-trains, 459.
Chamber-crank trains, 344.
Chamber-wheel trains, 403.
Change positions or points, 192, 571.
Chariots, ancient, 599.
Chinese scoop-wheel, 207.
Chubb, 466.
Circular sliding-pairs, 181.
Clack valve, 475.
Class symbols, 252.
Classification of constructive elements, 481.
Clearance in toothed-wheels, 237.
Click-trains, fluid, 474.
Click-trains, in chamber-gear, 459.
Click-wheels and gear, 455.
Clip-drum, 541.
Clocks, 498, 504, 519.
Clock-springs, 185.
Clock-work, notation for, 249.
Closed kinematic chain, 46, 502.
Closed pairs of elements, 87, 142.
Closure, chain, 183.
Closure, force, 183.
Closure, pair, 179.
Closure, complete, 183.
Closure of chains by elements, 191.
Closure of flectional elements, 183.
Clutches, 445, 469.
Cochrane, Lord, 363, 368, 369, 371, 381, 384.
Cocks, 475.
Collars of shafts, 91.
Combined chains, 572.
Common point-paths, 126.
Communicator, the, 487.
Complete machines, 202, 488, 502, 505.
Complexity of modern machines, 239.
Compound chains, 49, 265, 569.
Compound chamber-wheel trains, 425.
Compound epicyclic trains, 431.
Compound spur-wheel trains, 267, 426, 574.
Concentral point-paths, 129.
Concentral roulettes, 129.
Condie's steam-hammer, 95.
Cones of instantaneous axes, 78.
Conic chamber-trains, 384.
Conic double slider-crank, 388.
Conic quadric crank-chains, 327, 384.
Conic rolling, 77.
Conic slider-crank, 329.
Conic swinging cross-block, 391.
Conic turning cross-block, 393.
Connecting rods, 454.
Conplane motion, 64.
Constant breadth, figures of, 129.
Constrained closure, 484.
Constrained motion, 46, 87.
Constructive elements, 436, 480.
Contracted formulæ, 263, 270.
Contrapositive chains, 181, 184.
Converse antiparallel cranks, 2UO.
Cooke, 381.
Coriolis, 11.
Corliss' valve-gear, 240, 450.
Coupled-engines, 200.
Coupler, 284, 454.
Couplings, 292, 445, 483.
Cramer, 362.
Cranes, 490, 499, 519.
Cranks, 284, 454.
Crank-chains, 187, 283.
Cross-block, 313.
Cross-bow, 222, 228.
Crossed crank-chains, 550.
Crossed screw-chains, 555.
Crossed slider-crank chain, 318.
Crossed slide-trains, 322.
Crossed swinging block, 319.
Crossed turning slider-crank, 319.
Cross-heads, 454.
Curb-train, 459.
Curtate point-paths, 126.
Curtate trochoids, 592.
Curve-pentagon, 140.
Curve-square, 132.
Curve-triangle, 131, 145.
Cutters, 441.
Cylinder-chains, 549.
Cylinder of instantaneous axes, 65.
Cylinder pair, 90, 256.
Cylindric crank-trains, table of, 323.
Cylindric rolling, 69.
Cylindric slider-crank chain, 294, 301.


Dakeyne, 386.
Dalgety and Ledier, 365.
Dart, 420.
Davey's reversing gear, 320.
Davies, 363, 386, 390, 391, 393, 425.
Dawes, 196, 355.