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Page:The Kinematics of Machinery.djvu/640

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Galloway, 197, 427, 433.
Ganahl, 422.
Gas exhauster, 363.
Gearing, 514.
Geiger, 201, 204, 207, 245.
Geiss, 396.
General formulæ, 572.
Geneva ratchet, 564.
Gibs, 442.
Gibson, 607.
Girault, 15.
Goodeve, 299.
Gray, 378.
Grindstone, 500.
Guerike, Otto von, 7.
Guide blocks, 94.
Guides, 454.
Giulio, 13.
Gun-lock, 459.


Hachette, 9, 18.
Hall, 353.
Hand-worked machines, 500.
Hand-spindles, 216, 228.
Harvey's parallel motion, 573.
Hastie, 347.
Haton, 15.
Heppel, 382.
Hicks, 347.
Higher pairs of elements, 116, 131, 533.
Higher pairing in chains, 195.
Higher pairs in cylinder chains, 559.
Higher pairing in reduced chains, 333.
Higher pairs, point paths of, 121.
Hipp, 465.
Homocentral point-paths or roulettes, 129.
Hooke's joint, 331, 447.
Hornblower's cam, 560.
Humphreys, 347.
Hyatt, 377.
Hydraulic press, 181.
Hydraulic ram, 505, 520.
Hyperboloid pairs, 533.
Hyperboloids as axoids, 82.
Hyperboloidal face-wheel, 83.
Hyperboloidal wheels, 82.
Hypocycloidal parallel motion, 579.
Hypo-cycloids and -trochoids, 592.


Inclined plane, the, 277.
Indian fabrics, 202.
India-rubber tyres, 236.
Indirect kinematic synthesis, 529.
Inductive method, 53.
Infinite annular wheels, 431.
Infinite branches of centroids, 67, 74.
Infinite links, 295.
Instantaneous centre, 69, 148.
Instrument, 51.
Invention, 3, 19, 52, 243, 401, 582.
Inversion of pairs, 94.
Inversion of chains, 47.
Involute teeth, 156.
Isosceles crank-train, 197, 292.
Isosceles crossed trains, 321.
Isosceles double-slider, 196.
Isosceles slider-crank, 302, 355.
Isosceles turning block, 303.


Jacquard loom, 520.
Jelowicki, 358.
Jones, 413.
Jones and Shirreff, 366.
Justice, 425.


Keyed-joints, 441, 482.
Keys, 441.
Key-ways in shafts, 110.
Kinematics, 40.
Kinematic analysis, 274.
Kinematic notation, 247,
Kinematic synthesis, 527.
Kinematic synthesis, direct, 528.
Kinematic synthesis, indirect, 529.
Kittoe and Brotherhood, 347.
Knott, 359.
Kosmic and machinal systems, 31, 244.
Küster, 396.


Laboulaye, 13, 166.
Lagarousse levers, 463, 477.
Laidlow and Thomson, 417.
Lamb, 349.
Lantern pinions, 158.
Lanz, 9, 18.
Larivière and Braithwaite, 393.
Latent forces, 33, 174.
Lathe, 493.
Lathe, Egyptian, 213.
Lathe, Italian, 214, 227.
Lathe, Kalmuck, 211, 227.
Leading train of a machine, 512.
Lechat, 368.
Laver carnages, 209, 600.
Leclerc, 406.
Lecocq, 420.
Left-handed screws, 223.
Lemielle, 382.
Leonardo da Vinci's elliptic chuck, 316.
Leupold, 9, 406.