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- Galloway, 197, 427, 433.
- Ganahl, 422.
- Gas exhauster, 363.
- Gearing, 514.
- Geiger, 201, 204, 207, 245.
- Geiss, 396.
- General formulæ, 572.
- Geneva ratchet, 564.
- Gibs, 442.
- Gibson, 607.
- Girault, 15.
- Goodeve, 299.
- Gray, 378.
- Grindstone, 500.
- Guerike, Otto von, 7.
- Guide blocks, 94.
- Guides, 454.
- Giulio, 13.
- Gun-lock, 459.
- Hachette, 9, 18.
- Hall, 353.
- Hand-worked machines, 500.
- Hand-spindles, 216, 228.
- Harvey's parallel motion, 573.
- Hastie, 347.
- Haton, 15.
- Heppel, 382.
- Hicks, 347.
- Higher pairs of elements, 116, 131, 533.
- Higher pairing in chains, 195.
- Higher pairs in cylinder chains, 559.
- Higher pairing in reduced chains, 333.
- Higher pairs, point paths of, 121.
- Hipp, 465.
- Homocentral point-paths or roulettes, 129.
- Hooke's joint, 331, 447.
- Hornblower's cam, 560.
- Humphreys, 347.
- Hyatt, 377.
- Hydraulic press, 181.
- Hydraulic ram, 505, 520.
- Hyperboloid pairs, 533.
- Hyperboloids as axoids, 82.
- Hyperboloidal face-wheel, 83.
- Hyperboloidal wheels, 82.
- Hypocycloidal parallel motion, 579.
- Hypo-cycloids and -trochoids, 592.
- Inclined plane, the, 277.
- Indian fabrics, 202.
- India-rubber tyres, 236.
- Indirect kinematic synthesis, 529.
- Inductive method, 53.
- Infinite annular wheels, 431.
- Infinite branches of centroids, 67, 74.
- Infinite links, 295.
- Instantaneous centre, 69, 148.
- Instrument, 51.
- Invention, 3, 19, 52, 243, 401, 582.
- Inversion of pairs, 94.
- Inversion of chains, 47.
- Involute teeth, 156.
- Isosceles crank-train, 197, 292.
- Isosceles crossed trains, 321.
- Isosceles double-slider, 196.
- Isosceles slider-crank, 302, 355.
- Isosceles turning block, 303.
- Jacquard loom, 520.
- Jelowicki, 358.
- Jones, 413.
- Jones and Shirreff, 366.
- Justice, 425.
- Keyed-joints, 441, 482.
- Keys, 441.
- Key-ways in shafts, 110.
- Kinematics, 40.
- Kinematic analysis, 274.
- Kinematic notation, 247,
- Kinematic synthesis, 527.
- Kinematic synthesis, direct, 528.
- Kinematic synthesis, indirect, 529.
- Kittoe and Brotherhood, 347.
- Knott, 359.
- Kosmic and machinal systems, 31, 244.
- Küster, 396.
- Laboulaye, 13, 166.
- Lagarousse levers, 463, 477.
- Laidlow and Thomson, 417.
- Lamb, 349.
- Lantern pinions, 158.
- Lanz, 9, 18.
- Larivière and Braithwaite, 393.
- Latent forces, 33, 174.
- Lathe, 493.
- Lathe, Egyptian, 213.
- Lathe, Italian, 214, 227.
- Lathe, Kalmuck, 211, 227.
- Leading train of a machine, 512.
- Lechat, 368.
- Laver carnages, 209, 600.
- Leclerc, 406.
- Lecocq, 420.
- Left-handed screws, 223.
- Lemielle, 382.
- Leonardo da Vinci's elliptic chuck, 316.
- Leupold, 9, 406.