Page:The Kural or The Maxims Of Tiruvalluvar.pdf/275

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1046. The words of the indigent will carry no weight even when they expound grand truths with masterly skill and knowledge.

1047. The poverty that is divorced from virtue will estrange even the mother that bore him from the side of the miserable wretch.

1048. Is Indigence to bear me company even to-day ? It tormented me but only yesterday even unto death.[1]

1049. It is possible to go to sleep even in the midst of flames: but it is impossible to get even a wink of sleep in the midst of poverty.

1050. The one way open to the indigent is to renounce utterly, their lives: their not doing so is but death to salt and rice-water.[2]

  1. To be taken as the words of an indigent man sinking under the load of his poverty.
  2. of others.