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entirely covered with stripes, scars, spots, and weals. Some, seeing this, turned backward before entrusting themselves to these guards; and, indeed, as soon as they had looked through the gate, others wishing to escape from such educators also fled. A smaller number only remained, until they were allowed to return into the open air; and feeling a desire for this instruction, I also remained, though not without difficulty and bitterness.

(A Device is given to each Learned Man.)

4. When we pass through the gate, I see that to each one of those whose wit had been somewhat sharpened they gave a badge, by which it could be known that he was one of those who were learned. This was an inkstand at the girdle, a pen in the ear, and in the hand an empty book for the purpose of seeking knowledge. And I also received these things. Then Searchall said to me: "Now, here have we fourfold crossways leading to philosophy, medicine, jurisprudence, and theology; where shall we go first?" "As you judge," quoth I. Then he again said: "Let us first go into the market-place, where all assemble; there canst thou behold them all together; then will we proceed through the various lecture-rooms."

(Among the Learned also there are Deficiencies.)

5. And my guide leads me into the market-place; and behold, there were clouds of students, masters,