Page:The Labyrinth of the World and the Paradise of the Heart.pdf/161

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Then my guides, leading me between the physical and the chemical lecture-rooms, along some small streets, place me in another open space, where I beheld a fearful sight. They stretched a man out, and cutting off one of his limbs after the other, they examined all his intestines, and with great pleasure showed one another what they found discovered there. Quoth I: "What cruelty, then, is this, to deal with a man as if he were a beast?" "It must be thus," said the interpreter. "This is their school."


2. But these men had meanwhile abandoned this work, and they now ran in divers directions through gardens, meadows, fields, and hills; whatever things they found growing there they plucked, and they carried together such heaps that many years would not have sufficed for merely sifting and examining them. And each one seized out of them what he thought good, or what came in his