Page:The Labyrinth of the World and the Paradise of the Heart.pdf/185

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and the skirmishing increased, no few were killed, but the stone yet remained; for it was round and very slippery. He who stretched out his hand towards it could not grasp it, and it continued as before.

(The Christians are divided into Sects.)

14. Then going outside of this railing, lo! I see that this church had many little chapels, to which those went who had not been able to agree when before this touchstone, and behind each of them followed a number of men. They gave the people rules as to how they should differ from the others; some said that one should be marked by water or fire; others, that one should always have the sign ready at hand and in the pocket; others said that beside the principal image, at which all should gaze, men should, for greater perfection, carry with them also as many small ones as was possible; others said that when praying one should not kneel, for that was a thing of the Pharisees; others, again, said that they would not endure music among them, as it was a wanton thing; others, again, said that one should accept the teaching of no man, and be content with the innermost revelation of the spirit. When gazing at these chapels, I beheld somewhat wondrous regulations.

(Of these Chapels, one is the most wondrous.)

15. Now one of these chapels was the largest and finest, gleaming with gold and precious stones;