Page:The Labyrinth of the World and the Paradise of the Heart.pdf/197

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was rare that anyone could approach them and reach them, except by means of strange instruments; for each one, instead of ears, had long tubes on both sides, and those who wished to say something had to whisper into them. But they were crooked and full of holes, and many words escaped outward before they reached the head, and those that reached it were mostly altered. I marked this, because not all who spoke received an answer; at times even when one clamoured loudly enough the sound did not penetrate to the brain of the ruler. Sometimes, again, an answer was given, but it was not to the point. Similarly, instead of the eyes and the tongue there were tubes, and, seen through them, things often appeared different from what they really were, and an answer was given that differed from the intentions of the ruler himself. Understanding this, I said: "Why, then, do they not put away these tubes and see, hear, answer with their own eyes, ears, tongue, as plain people do?" "Because of the preciousness of their person and the dignity of their rank there must be such delaying ceremonies; or dost thou think they are peasants, whose eyes, ears, mouth, everyone may approach?"

(The Great must have Councillors, however inconvenient they may be.)

8. Meanwhile, I see some who walk round the thrones; of these some whisper somewhat into the ears of their master by means of these tubes; others