Page:The Labyrinth of the World and the Paradise of the Heart.pdf/244

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what in my favour, and taking me by the hand, led me into the first court, all the same. Then looking at the building of the palace itself, I see white-gleaming walls which, they told me, were of alabaster; but looking at them carefully, and touching them with my hands, I find naught but paper, the crevices in which were stopped up by tow in every direction; herefrom I judged that these walls were but a hollow, artificial work. I wondered, and laughed at this deceit. We then came to the steps by which we were to go upward, and fearing destruction (and I think that my heart felt what would now befall me), I would not go on. Then the interpreter said: "Wherefore such fancies, my friend? Then mayest thou also fear that the heavens will fall down on thee. Dost thou not see many who come and go upward and downward?" Then, seeing here also examples in others, I went up this winding staircase, that was so high and round that giddiness might have befallen me.