Page:The Labyrinth of the World and the Paradise of the Heart.pdf/246

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me into the middle of the hall and ordered me to bow down low; knowing not how to bear myself, I did so.

(The Pilgrim is impeached.)

2. Then my interpreter, who, against my wishes, had become my interpreter, began thus: "Most serene queen of the world, most brilliant ray of God's light, magnificent Wisdom! This young man whom we bring before you has had the good fortune to receive from Fate (the regent of your Majesty) permission to view all the ranks and conditions in this kingdom of the world, over which the great God has placed you as His representative, that you may by your prudence rule it wisely from one boundary to the other. He has been led by us, who, through your prudent decision, have been appointed the guides of such men, through all the estates of mankind. Yet—with humility and sorrow we confess this to thee—in spite of all our sincere and faithful endeavours, we have not succeeded in persuading him to choose a certain estate, establish himself tranquilly in it, and become one of the faithful, obedient, constant inhabitants of this our common country; rather is he ever and on all occasions anxious, disgusted with all, desirous of somewhat unusual. Therefore, as we can neither satisfy his wild cravings nor even understand them, we place him before your illustrious serenitude, leaving it to your prudence to decide what is to be done with him."