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fain have spoken somewhat, but I dared not. I merely devised with myself: "This is indeed a wondrous government of the world. The king is a woman, the councillors are women, the officials are women; the whole rule is of women. How could anyone fear it?"

(The Bodyguards.)

8. Now I inquired also about these two bodyguards, what and wherefore they were. He[1] said that her majesty the queen also had her enemies and caballers, against whom it behove her to guard herself. "This one in a fox's skin is called Endearment; the other, with iron and fire, is Power. When one cannot guard the queen, the other defends her; thus by turns they take the place one of the other. Then that dog who is near them does duty as watcher, who by barking makes known the approach of all who are suspect, and drives them away. He is known at Court as the Messenger, but those whom his duties please not much call him the Adversary. But cease now to gape; listen and attend to what will befall here." "It is well," said I, "with pleasure."

  1. I.e., the interpreter.