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matters!" "Gladly do I hear this," I said. "May God but grant that the right path be found!"

(They seek for the Causes of the Disorders of the World.)

3. Then I saw that the councillors assembled, and after they had held council together they decided that through the chancellor Prudence the question he put whence these disorders arose. And after much investigation it was stated that some rioters and mutineers had stolen in who secretly and openly spread disorder. The greatest blame was awarded (for they were all mentioned by name) to Drunkenness, Greed, Usury, Lust, Pride, Cruelty, Laziness, Idleness, and some others.

(A Decree is issued against the Causers of these Disorders.)

4. They then again took council about these, and at last they came to a decision that was read out, and that declared that it should, through open charters, that were to be hung up in certain places and sent to all parts of the land, be made known that her majesty, Queen Wisdom, had remarked that through the many strangers who had slyly stolen into the land, many disorders also had found entrance into it. Therefore she declared that those who were found to be the ring-leaders should, for all times, be expelled from her kingdom, particularly Drunkenness, Greed, Usury,