Page:The Labyrinth of the World and the Paradise of the Heart.pdf/265

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knew no way by means of which new laws applying to all possible cases could be written down, therefore should the former laws and customs remain in force. But H.R.M. deigned to give them this rule and key, that when expounding the laws and passing judgment in accordance with them, they should seek either their own advantage or that of the community. This rule was to be called Ratio Status; by means of it they would be able to guard themselves as with a shield against the thrusts of vulgar calumny. The fashion of rule (which not all could understand) required that some things should remain as they were. The jurists, having received this their new rule, promised to conform to it and withdrew.

(Complaints of the Women against Men, and the Men against the Women.)

15. But a short time passed, and then the women came, complaining that they had to live under the rule of men, as if they were slaves. Immediately afterwards men also were found who lamented over the disobedience of women. Then the queen and her advisers met in council more than once. Then through the lady chancellor this answer was issued: "As Nature had given man superiority, this should remain as it was, but under these important restrictions: firstly, as women form half the human race, men shall do naught without hearing their counsel; secondly, as Nature often pours out her gifts more bounteously on women than on men, every woman