Page:The Labyrinth of the World and the Paradise of the Heart.pdf/267

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it appeared seemly. ("Regis ad exemplum totus componi orbus.")[1] The same rule as in the world should prevail in houses and communities also. By this speech they thought that they would easily guide the mind of Queen Wisdom to their own view. Then the men, not to lose their case by their silence, opposed this; they said that though God had entrusted the government of the world to Queen Wisdom, yet He mainly held it Himself in His own hands, therefore would they do so also, and so forth.

(An Agreement between Men and Women.)

16. Then they again met in council several times, and thus I understood that they had never had so grave a matter brought before them. Though we were all waiting for the final decision, we received it not; but Prudence and Affability were instructed to deliberate secretly with both parties. These, mediating in the matter, found a compromise, namely, that for the purpose of peace and harmony in their homes, men should at least tacitly grant superiority to the women, and avail themselves of their advice; the women, contenting themselves with this, should outwardly appear obedient. Thus things would seemingly remain as before, yet the domestic rule of women would be strengthened; for otherwise the great secret that

  1. The Latin words are printed thus in Mr. Bily's last edition (founded on the Amsterdam MS.), and also in Mr. Korinek's recent edition of the "Labyrinth."