Page:The Labyrinth of the World and the Paradise of the Heart.pdf/270

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scabby, the whole body displeasing, and her breath stank. Then I, and all the others present, were so afeard that we were almost benumbed.

(Her Councillors also are unmasked.Eccl. i. 14.)

2. Then Solomon turned to the councillors of the pretended queen, took their masks from them, and said: "I see that in the place of justice, injustice rules, and abomination in that of sanctity. Your carefulness is distrust, your foresight cunning, your affability flattery, your truth self-deceit; your zeal is fury, your valour foolhardiness, your love lust, your work slavery, your sagacity mere conjecture, your religion hypocrisy, and so forth. Is it, then, your task to rule the world instead of the Almighty God? God will bring to judgment all deeds and all secret things, be they good or bad. But I will go forth and announce this to the whole world, that it may no longer permit itself to be misguided and misled."

(Solomon proclaims the Vanity of the World to the whole World.)

3. Then turning round, he went forth wrathfully, and his companions with him; then when he began to cry out, "Vanity of vanities, and all is vanity!" then from all directions men of all countries and nations, kings and queens from distant lands, collected around him. And his eloquence rained down on them and instructed