Page:The Labyrinth of the World and the Paradise of the Heart.pdf/289

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me alone; to have me as thy one counsellor, leader, friend, companion, and comrade in all things. And whenever thou speakest to me, say, 'I only and thou, oh, my Lord!' Thou needest not heed any third one. Cling but to me, gaze at me, converse sweetly with me, embrace me, kiss me; expect also all things from me.

(Christ should be considered our only Gain.)

4. "Thou hast seen in other conditions how the men who seek gain busy themselves with endless labours, what artifices they employ, what perils they risk. Thou must now consider all this striving as vanity, knowing that one thing alone is necessary, the grace of God. Therefore, limiting thyself to the one calling which I have entrusted to thee, conduct thy labours faithfully, conscientiously, quietly, entrusting to me the end and aim of all things.

(The Pilgrim is taught to know Christ Himself—the Bible.)

5. "Thou hast seen, when among the scholars, how they strive to fathom all things. Let it be the summit of thy learning to seek me in my works, and to see how wondrously I rule thee and everything. Here wilt thou find more matter for reflection than those yonder,[1] and it will be

  1. I.e., those of the world.