Page:The Labyrinth of the World and the Paradise of the Heart.pdf/291

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shall find pleasure in being thy leech for thy good; for I will be thy life, and the length of thy days. Without me, indeed, medicine also is poison; but if I decree it, poison also must become medicine. Therefore, entrust thy life and health to me only, and be thou in perfect peace as to such matters.

(The Pilgrim holds Christ to be his Counsellor, Guide, and Protector.)

7. "In jurisprudence thou hast witnessed the wondrous and entangled intrigues of men, and how they dispute over their divers affairs. But this shall be thy knowledge of law: not to envy any man either the property of others or his own; to leave everyone what he has; not to refuse to any man that which he requires; to give to each one that which thou owest, and even beyond that, as much as thou canst; to be conciliant in all for the sake of peace. If one takes away thy coat, give him thy cloak also; if one strikes thee on one cheek, put forth the other also. These are my laws, and if thou heedest them, thou wilt secure peace.

(What the Religion of Christ is.)

8. "Thou hast seen in the world how men imagine vain ceremonies and strife while performing their religious duties. Thy religion shall be to serve me in quiet, and not to bind thyself by any ceremonies, for I do not bind thee by them. If thou wilt—-