Page:The Labyrinth of the World and the Paradise of the Heart.pdf/304

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(The Twofold Light of the True Christians.)

The world and he who struggles in it is ever guided by public opinion; the one clings to the other with regard to their conduct, and they pick their way fumbling as blind men, stopping short and stumbling now here, now there. Yet there dawns on these a twofold clear inward light—the light of reason and the light of faith—and both these are guided by the Holy Ghost.

(The Light of Reason.)

2. For although those who enter must put away and renounce their reason, yet the Holy Ghost returns it to them, purified and refined, so that they are, as it were, full of eyes; wherever they go in the world, whatever they see, hear, smell, taste above them, under them, around them, everywhere they see the footsteps of God, and they know how to turn everything to piety. Therein are they wiser than the wisest philosophers of the world, whom by just judgment God blinds, so that though vainly imagining that they know everything, they