Page:The Labyrinth of the World and the Paradise of the Heart.pdf/313

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has placed over him. 6. He shall not injure the life of his fellow-men. 7. He shall preserve the purity of his body. 8. He shall not seize the property of others. 9. He shall beware of falsehood and deceit. 10. And lastly, he shall maintain his mind within barriers and the ordained boundaries.

(A Summing-up in Two Words.)

2. The summa of everything is that everyone should love God above all things that can be named, and that he should sincerely wish well to his fellow-men, as to himself. And this summing-up of the contents of God's Word was, as I heard, greatly praised; indeed, I myself found and felt that it was more valuable than the countless worldly laws, rules, and decrees, for it was a thousand times more perfect.

(The True Christian requires not Copious Laws.)

3. To him who verily loves God with his whole heart, it is not necessary to give many commandments as to when, where, how, and how often he should serve God, worship and honour Him; for his hearty union with God, and his readiness to obey Him is the fashion in which he honours God best, and it leads a man to ever and everywhere praise God in his mind, and to strive for His glory in all his deeds. He also who loves his fellow-men as himself requires not copious commandments as