Page:The Labyrinth of the World and the Paradise of the Heart.pdf/316

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touched by the magnet-stone, all point to one and the same direction of the world, so the souls of all these men, touched by the spirit of love, all turn to one and the same direction; in case of happiness to joy, in case of unhappiness to dole. And here also did I understand that those are false Christians who indeed busy themselves carefully with their own matters, but care not for those of their neighbours. They steadfastly turn aside from the hand of God, and preserving carefully their own nest, they leave the others outside in the wind and rain. But different, far different, I found things here. If one suffered, the others did not rejoice; if one hungered, the others did not feast; if one was warring, the others did not sleep; everything was done in common, and it was delightful to behold this.

(There is Community in all Good Things among the True Christians.)

6. As regards possessions, I saw that, though most of them were poor, had but little of the things the world calls treasures, and cared but little for them, yet almost everyone had something that was his own. But he did not hide this, nor conceal it from the others (as is the world's way); he held it as in common, readily and gladly granting and lending it to him who might require it. Thus they all dealt with their possessions not otherwise than those who sit together at one table deal with the utensils of the table, which all use with equal