Page:The Labyrinth of the World and the Paradise of the Heart.pdf/329

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While I had previously seen in the world much unquietude and toil, trouble and care, horror and fear among all estates, I now found much quiet and much goodwill among those who were subject to God; for they dreaded not God, knowing well how kindly His heart inclined to them. Neither did they find within themselves anything over which they could grieve. Of all good things (as has already been shown) they had no want; neither felt they any discomfort from the things that surrounded them, for they heeded them not.

(The True Christians heed not the Derision of the World.)

2. Now it is true that the evil world granted them but little rest, and, indeed, did everything it could to spite and mock them; it grinned at them, bit its thumb at them, pelted them, spat at them, tripped them up, and whatever worse things can be imagined. Of this I saw many examples, and I understood that it befell, according to the orders of God the Highest, that those who wish to be good