Page:The Labyrinth of the World and the Paradise of the Heart.pdf/342

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what sweetness and joy that arose within my heart, and then I truly understood that true theology is a more powerful and more penetrative thing than we generally imagine. And I blushed, remembering the haughtiness, pride, avarice, the mutual quarrels, the envy, hatred, drunkenness, and carnality of some of our priests; the words and deeds of such men, verily, are so wide apart that they seem to speak as in jest only of the virtues of Christian life. On the other hand, these preachers, that I may speak the truth, pleased me, being men of fervent mind and continent body, men who were lovers of celestial things, but heeded not earthly ones. They were careful of their flock, forgetful of themselves, moderate in wine, though their minds were intoxicated by the spirit of holiness, modest of speech, though plentiful in good deeds; and each one among them strove to be first in work, last in good deeds; in all their deeds, words, and thoughts, they cared but for their spiritual progress.