Page:The Labyrinth of the World and the Paradise of the Heart.pdf/346

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They exclaimed: "Amen, blessing and glory, wisdom, gratitude, and honour, power and strength to our God in all eternity! Amen."

4. Now did I behold splendour, light, magnificence, and unspeakable glory, hear sounds and notes that are inexpressible, witness things that were joyful and more wondrous than our eyes, ears, and heart can conceive.

5. Terrified by the sight of these so glorious heavenly things, I also fell down before the throne of divine majesty, ashamed of my sinfulness, and of being a man of tainted lips, and I exclaimed: "Lord, Lord, Lord, Thou who art a strong God, compassionate, merciful, long-suffering, and plentiful in mercy and justice! He who grants mercy to thousands, and forgives unrighteousness, trespasses and sin. O Lord! have mercy on me the sinner also, for the sake of Jesus Christ."