Page:The Labyrinth of the World and the Paradise of the Heart.pdf/69

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(The Ways of Falsehood in the World.)

3. I, however, thought in my mind: "Would God that I had not been led here! These are deliberating about some bit for my mouth." And I say to this, my new companion: "Friend, take it not amiss; gladly would I know thy name also." He answered: "I am the interpreter of Wisdom, the queen of the world, and I have the duty to teach all how they can understand the things of the world. Therefore I place in the minds of all, old and young, noble and of mean birth, ignorant and learned, all that belongs to true, worldly wisdom, and I lead them to joy and merriment, for without me even kings, princes, and the proudest men would be in strange anxiety, and would spend their time on earth mournfully."

4. On this I said: "Fortunately has God granted me thee as a guide, dear friend, if this is true. For I have set out for the world for the purpose of seeking what is safest and most gratifying in it, and then relying on it. Having now in thee so trusty a councillor, I shall easily be able to choose well." "Do not doubt this," he said, "for though in our kingdom thou wilt find everything most finely ordered and most gay, yet is it ever true that some professions and trades have more convenience and freedom than others. Thou wilt be able to choose from everything that which thou wishest. I will explain to thee everything as it is." I said: "By what name do men call thee?" He answered: "My name is Falsehood."