Page:The Labyrinth of the World and the Paradise of the Heart.pdf/75

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learned men, who are employed on the works of the mind. On the other side, again, is the order of the clergy, by means of whom others avoid practising religion. Behind them is the order of the magistrates and rulers of the world. At last, to the north, we find the order of knighthood, which is employed in all the arts of war. And oh, how noble this is! These beget all; these feed all; these teach all; these pray for all; these judge all and preserve them from disorders; these fight for all; and all these serve each other, and all have equal rights.

(The Castle of Fortune. The Market-place and the Castle of the World.)

5. "Then that castle to the west is Arx Fortunæ, the castle of Fortune, in which chosen people live, who there enjoy riches, pleasure, and glory. The central market-place is for all; for here men of all classes meet, and discuss what is necessary. In the middle of the market-place is, as it were, the centre of everything—that is the residence of Wisdom, the queen of the world."

(The Beginning of the Confusion.)

6. And this good order pleased me, and I began to praise God that He had so nobly divided the estates of men. But what pleased me not was that I saw that these streets were broken through in many places, so that sometimes one ran into another,