Albany cake, 195. Alkanet colouring, 250. Almond icing, 221. Almond pudding, boiled, 112. Almond rice pudding, 112. Almond soup, 16. Altona fritters, 133. American chintzes, to wash, 307. American citron, 165. American prunes, 183. Anchovy toast, 29. Ants,—to destroy garden ants, 280. Ants,—to expel small ants, 280. Antique oil, 253. Apple cake, 221. Apples, to keep, 248. Apple marmalade, 191. Apples meringued, 154. Apples (dried,) 184. Apple water, 243. Artichokes, fried, 42. Artificial flowers, fine colouring for, 837. Arsenic, remedy for, 290. Asparagus loaves, 46. Asparagus omelet, 46. Atmosphere of a room, to purify, 268. Austrian cake, 146. Autumn soup, 4.
Baked tongue, 76. Barberry jam, 174. Bathing the feet, 284. Batter cakes, (Indiana,) 186. Batter cakes, (Kentudky,) 186. Batter cakes, (rye,) 187. Beans, stewed, 49. Bed-bugs, to destroy, 279. Bee-miller, to destroy, 281. Beef,—cold corned, to stew, 78. Beef, (French,) 74. Beef, minced, 72. Beef olives, 75. Beef, round of, stewed brown, 69 Beef,—smoked, to stew, 74. Beef-steaks with mushrooms, 72. Beef-steak pot-pie, 71. Beefs tongue, stewed, 76. Beets, to keep, 248. Bergamot water, 113. Biscuit ice-cream, 161. Biscuit pudding, 118. Biscuit sandwiches, 85. Birds in a grove, (French dish,) 99. Birds with mushrooms, (French,) 98. Black lace, to wash, 305. Black-currant jelly, (fine,) 171. Blackberry syrup, 294. Blackberry wine, 233. Blanc-mange, (chocolate,) 150. Blanc-mange, (coffee,) 151. Blanc-mange, (gelatine,) 151. Blanc-mange, (maccaroon,) 149. Blanc-mange, (Spanish,) 147. Blanc-mange, (vanilla,) 148. Blue wash for walls, 264. Bobbinet, (to hem,) 325. Boned turkey, 104. Bonnets, 320. Bonnet, to keep white, 323. Boot-bag, to make, 317. Boston cake, 194. Brandy grapes, 182. Brandy green gages, 181. Brandy peaches, (excellent,) 179. Brandy peaches, (fine,) 179. Brandy peaches, (the French way,) 181.
Brandy pears, 180.