Page:The Lark - E Nesbit, 1922.djvu/124

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We did so very much want to please you. You are pleased, aren't you? It does look nice, doesn't it?"

"I'm more pleased than I can say," said old Mr. Rochester most unexpectedly. "I can't imagine why you thought I wasn't pleased."

"Why, the way you asked who'd been messing about with the panelling."

"Oh, that was before I'd seen what had happened. Coming in out of the sun, in the half light, I thought someone had repainted everything brown. But when I saw the grain of the wood—why, I was delighted."

"Oh," said Lucilla, "I do wish you'd said so! We've been so afraid you were cross! And now it's all right."

And Jane was saying to herself: "Yes—it's all right. Everything turns out lucky for us. I believe we are born lucky. Mr. Dix can come when he likes! Who's afraid? Let him come!"

But Mr. Dix did not come.